App Updates
Update the Canada VRS App
Canada VRS releases updates to your apps from time to time. The updates improve the user experience and ensure that the apps remain compatible with the operating systems of all devices. Software updates are an automatic process, but if you are experiencing difficulties, please check here for instructions on app updates for your device or devices.
Get the Latest Update
Latest Update – 2024-11-20
Canada VRS update for
iOS, version 4.53.0
Bug fix: Fixes of crashes, including one that occurs when a user is on a call and hangs up the call
Updated features: Implementation of changes required to force the Voice Carry Over (VCO) during a First Party Callback (FPC) on 911 calls. Warning: this functionality will be available only after the release of the VI 1.13.0
Improvements: Improvement of the login/logout functionalities after 3 minutes in sleep mode

Latest Update 2025-1-20
Canada VRS update for Android, version 5.16.0
Bug fix:
- The switch of microphone to another one that is connected with Bluetooth during call was not done properly all the time.
- When selecting a Cell to delete from the calls history, it wasn’t highlighted.
- The notification alert is not stopped when user answers the call on another device.
- Fix UI bug in call screen related to the space between the chat window and the video on Android Tablets.
- The label of the contact’s name displayed on the deletion popup is a technical label and not the right one.
Updated features:
- Implement the forced VCO (Voice Carry Over) for the incoming 911 calls from the relay.
Latest Update – 2024-07-29
Canada VRS app update for Mac Version 1.4.3
This update includes new features for the Canada VRS app on Mac as well as bug fixes.
- Version upgrades of technical components to connect to API_REST

Latest Update – 2024-12-18
Canada VRS app update for Windows (PC), version 1.3.5
Bug fix: Fix a display issue on the sidebar tab when resizing the window during a call.
Updated features: The VCO is activated by default on FPC on 911 calls. This update is available only when the version 1.13.0 of VI is released.
Improvements: None.

Update History
iOS (iPhone, iPad) | Android | Mac | PC |
2024-11-20 Canada VRS update for iOS, version 4.53.0 Bug fix: Fixes of crashes, including one that occurs when a user is on a call and hangs up the call – JIRA BDEV-37 Updated features: Implementation of changes required to force the Voice Carry Over (VCO) during a First Party Callback (FPC) on 911 calls. Warning: this functionality will be available only after the release of the VI 1.13.0 – JIRA QA-818 Improvements: Improvement of the login/logout functionalities after 3 minutes in sleep mode – JIRA DEV-230 | 2023-10-02 Canada VRS app update for Android Version 5.14.0 This update includes new features for the Canada VRS app on Android as well as bug fixes.
| 2024-07-29 Canada VRS app update for Mac Version 1.4.3 This update includes new features for the Canada VRS app on Mac as well as bug fixes.
| 2024-10-15 Canada VRS app update for PC, version 1.3.4 Bug fixes, including:
2024-07-02 Canada VRS update for iOS, version 4.51.0
| 2021-10-05 Next Generation (NG) Update for Android version 5.13.0 This update includes new features for the Canada VRS app on Android as well as bug fixes.
| 2023-10-02 Canada VRS app update for Mac Version 1.4.2 This update includes new features for the Canada VRS app on Mac as well as bug fixes.
| 2024-08-19 Canada VRS app update for PC, version 1.3.3 12 bug fixes, including:
2024-06-14 Canada VRS update for iOS, version 4.50.0
| 2019-03-06 Business VRS Numbers and Video Mail Customers with Business VRS numbers now have new options for how their name appears in the Canada VRS app directory. Video Mail now easily displays how many messages you have stored and reminds you of the limit of 20. You can also easily delete messages you do not want. | 2023-02-22 Next Generation (NG) Mac version 1.4.0
| 2021-08-16 Canada VRS app update for Next Generation (NG) PC version
2023-09-11 Canada VRS update for iOS, version 4.49.0
| 2022-05-11 Next Generation (NG) Mac Version 1.3.0
| 2021-02-05 Canada VRS app update PC
| |
2022-08-22 Canada VRS update for iOS, version 4.48.0
| 2021-08-16 Canada VRS app update for Next Generation (NG) MAC version 1.2.0
| 2021-01-12 Adobe Flash will no longer be supported as of January 12, 2021 As of January 12th, 2021, Adobe Flash will no longer be supported. If you are using the old Canada VRS app, Make the switch to the new app! But if you cannot upgrade to Windows 10 and are still using Windows 7 or 8, you can continue to use the old Canada VRS app at least until the end of 2022. | |
2021-09-27 Canada VRS update for iOS version 4.47.0
| 2021-02-05 Canada VRS app update MAC version 1.1.0
| 2020-01-14 Microsoft will no longer support Windows 7 As of January 14, 2020, Microsoft will no longer support Windows 7, which may require you to purchase a new computer. If you continue to use Windows 7 after support has ended, your PC will still work, but it will become more vulnerable to security risks and viruses.The Canada VRS app will still work on your Windows 7 computer but, if the operating system experiences technical difficulties, the app may no longer work either. | |
2019-03-06 Business VRS Numbers and Video Mail Customers with Business VRS numbers now have new options for how their name appears in the Canada VRS app directory. Video Mail now easily displays how many messages you have stored and reminds you of the limit of 20. You can also easily delete messages you do not want. | 2019-03-06 Business VRS Numbers and Video Mail Customers with Business VRS numbers now have new options for how their name appears in the Canada VRS app directory. Video Mail now easily displays how many messages you have stored and reminds you of the limit of 20. You can also easily delete messages you do not want. | 2019-03-06 Business VRS Numbers and Video Mail Customers with Business VRS numbers now have new options for how their name appears in the Canada VRS app directory. Video Mail now easily displays how many messages you have stored and reminds you of the limit of 20. You can also easily delete messages you do not want. |