About CAV Connect

What you need to know
Our Outreach Team connects with community members via CAV Connect video events to explore ways to get the most from Canada VRS. It’s easy to participate. Follow the steps below to get started.
Step 1: Find an event
Visit the CAV Connect event calendar to select events that interest you.
Step 4: Participation
You participate in a CAV Connect event as an “attendee” and will not be visible by video. To ask a question or comment you can type in the chat box or raise your hand. When you raise your hand your host will temporarily make you visible by changing your role to “panelist” which allows you to be seen by video.
Meet your host and the presenter
Every CAV Connect event is hosted by an Outreach team member. The host arranges the event date, time, duration and topic and facilitates the event between the presenter and the participants. The host makes sure that everyone has a positive and productive experience.
How to ask a question
As an attendee if you have a question or comment you can click the “raise hand” button to sign or use the chat box to type. You will find the buttons at the bottom of your screen.
When you raise your hand, your host will temporarily make you visible by making you a panelist. After your question or comment has been addressed, you will revert back to “attendee” role and your video will no longer be visible.
The chat feature allows event attendees, hosts and presenters to communicate throughout the events. Whether attendees can chat with everyone privately, or only with the host will depend on the settings that the host has selected.
Adjust your screen
Sometimes when the host is sharing a slide, it can be difficult to see both at the same time. By clicking on the View Options tab at the top of the screen and choosing Side by Side Screen, you can resize the presenter and slide by adjusting the two vertical white lines on the screen.