Use VRS to Contact 9-1-1
Canada VRS provides 9-1-1 service 24/7. Customers can use sign language using the Canada VRS app and ASL/English or LSQ/French Video Interpreters during 9-1-1 calls.
All 9-1-1 calls are treated as urgent. They go directly to first place in the Canada VRS call centre’s queue and are answered within 30 seconds. The supervisor in charge, or if a supervisor is not available, another VI, is alerted to the 9-1-1 call and assists as needed.
The VI and emergency answering personnel will attempt to confirm that the customer is at their registered address, or if not there, where they are located. Note that the call is connected to the Public Service Answering Point (PSAP) based on the customer’s location.
Once the location and nature of the emergency is determined, the PSAP dispatches the appropriate responder; fire, police or medical.
The VI stays with the caller and assists the emergency services personnel as long as they are needed.
Emergencies are an important reason why Canada VRS customers must keep their home address details up to date in their VRS Account profiles.
Important Information About 9-1-1
Because Canada VRS is internet or data service based, emergency calls made via VRS may not properly connect. For example, if there is an internet or data service failure, or if you lose electrical power. Also, your 9-1-1 call may not be routed correctly if you have not updated your physical location information.
If you experience a technical problem dialing 9-1-1 via Canada VRS, hang up and re-dial. If you continue to experience technical difficulties, you may wish to try alternative services such as; landline telephone with TTY, Text 9-1-1, Relay Services or IP Relay.